Bach – Six Suites pour Violoncelle

Tatjana Vassiljeva

Bach - Six Suites pour Violoncelle

Bach – Six Suites pour Violoncelle

Tatjana Vassiljeva

Composer  Bach (Johann Sebastian)

Genre  Récital

Format  CD


Release date  26 février 2009

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Composer  Bach (Johann Sebastian)

Genre  Récital

Format  CD


Release date  26 février 2009

Download the booklet

A monument to the development of musical technique, Bach’s Six Cello Suites forge the instrumentalist and even the listener. It is precisely their rhetoric, the art of composing a musical discourse with a view to convincing or pleasing, that gives these works their unshakeable strength. First, the path, a flawless trajectory from the prelude of the first, fluid and flowing, to that of the sixth suite in D major, luminous and immaterial. The final suite for a five-string cello, as if it were to rise above the instrument to defy gravity. Apogee of the song, pure and solitary.